
6 Things That Will Result In Beautiful And Flawless Skin


Do we not need a good skincare regime before applying all the bridal makeup on the D-Day? To help you with this planning we made a list of things you can do before your wedding to get that healthy shine! Don’t forget to start early and be consistent because the skincare regimes take some time to show results.


Are you wondering that how can steaming help your face? Then let us tell you that steaming is a very popular method used by the east Asian people to achieve the glass skin. Steaming reduces all the wrinkles and gives an inner glow to your face. Moreover, this process helps in proper circulation of blood, providing you with enough oxygen resulting in a glowing face. And the best part is that it helps people with oily skin by releasing the clogged sebum and oil. It soothes the face as well but can be a wrong choice for people with dry skin because steaming helps to detox the skin in a way, which in turn reduces the oily residues.


If you are laughing on the word facial because it is the most mainstream way to get good glow, then wait! Why people suggest facial is not because of all the expensive serums and cremes used on your face but because of the easy blood circulation. Yes, the professional massaging that the parlour lady does while giving you a facial can help your blood to flow correctly. Another big reason is that the facials act as proper stress busters. You get a facial done; you will definitely feel relaxed backed with a beautifully cleansed and moisturized skin.

Night Masks

Dermatologists released the most shocking thing recently, and it was that our skin goes through a lot when we are sleeping. It is surprising but makes full sense if you think about it, when you sleep your skin is supposed to be in a regeneration mode where it produces a lot of collagen, our skin loses a lot of water, etc. But don’t worry, you can simply wash your face and then apply some toner and then wear an overnight mask. When you wake up the next day, you will definitely see some fantastic results and adequately hydrated face.

Weekly Exfoliation

One more important thing that comes into play in getting a flawless face is the weekly exfoliation. Exfoliation helps in cleaning the face thoroughly and removing the dead skin cells. Once your dead and old skin cells are removed from your face, it becomes effortlessly flawless and gets a beautiful glow. Also the process of exfoliation helps in removing dirt from the deepest spot of the skin, making it a good choice. But as it can leave your skin very dry, you should use it only once a week, especially people with dry skin.

Green Tea

When people say, “you are what you eat,” they refer to a person’s healthy diet. But not everybody can experience the pleasure of a healthy diet, especially when they are amidst so much stress. But small efforts make a lot of difference. One of these efforts can be drinking green tea or using it on the skin can definitely help in improving the skin conditions. Green Tea shields your skin from the UV rays and helps as an anti-aging agent. Not only this, this herbal tea can help you to reduce the sebum and unclog the pores. This in result gives the skin a very healthy glow and reduces the puffiness.


Most of the people have a big misconception about a sunblock. They perceive it to be very sticky and a substitute of a moisturizer. Which is not true, sunscreens come in various varieties and perform a lot of functions to protect your skin. It shields your skin from all the harmful UV rays and protects it in a way that prevents aging. Not to forget that sunscreens reduce the possibilities of skin cancer. But for effective results you must apply it every 2-3 hours when you are out in the sun, it will help you avoid tanning of the skin. Sunblocks are the cheapest and most efficient way to have a good skin with zero rashes!

But you must keep one thing in mind; all these things can be effective only if you add these things in a daily practice.

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Krist S
Very eager to view the world in my own perspective.